Providing the needs for people experiencing homelessness with food, clothing, shelter and by sharing God’s love and the life-changing message of the Gospel.

Sandy’s Story – Escaping abuse to safety and life restoration

Our award winning documentaries brings each individual stories right into your life with the trauma that homelessness has on each interviewee life. View Sandy's story now.

Rafael’s Story – A Beautiful Story of Restoration and Hope

Meet Rafael. A recovering meth addict who was able to get his children back as a single parent while graduating from our Christian Life Discipleship Program, Watch Rafael's story.

URM’s Stories from skid row: Serena’s Story

The circumstances that led me to be homeless were bad decisions. I have been homeless for most of my life. Losing custody of my children was the catalyst to my recovery.

James’ Story – From 30 years of Addiction to Restoration

The circumstances that led me to be homeless were bad decisions. I eventually ended up jobless, homeless, unhappy, and unsatisfied with my life.

Wendy’s Story – Overcoming Addiction and getting her son back

​​​​​She was losing a 20+ year battle with addiction, which cost her job, and was on the brink of losing her son to social services.; But then God led her to Union Rescue Mission.

Transform a life today.

Tonight there will be 78,000 people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles.

It’s time to stop looking away.

Give hurting people the help and healing they need to overcome homelessness. Your donation saves lives. Your donation matters. Your donation helps.

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