URM | Pepperdine Legal Aid

The Pepperdine Legal Aid Clinic, which opened in 1999, helps men and women experiencing homeless at URM overcome their past legal issues so they can re-enter their communities as productive, upstanding contributors.

Among people experiencing poverty and powerlessness, minor legal violations often create insurmountable difficulties and barriers as they try to rebuild their lives and re-enter society.

The Legal Aid Clinic, staffed by an attorney and student law clerks, is making a significant difference in the downtown community and receives more than 1,000 visits per year.

Justice tempered with mercy is our mission.

Pepperdine Legal Aid

The URM Pepperdine Legal Aid Clinic represent clients who are homeless on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. We provide pro bono legal services in a variety of civil matters, including family law, income tax, consumer law, benefit controversies and post-conviction reentry. We also perform live client interviewing and counseling, legal research, motion preparation, and client representation in court. In addition, the clinic presents legal education programs to various social service organizations and community groups. 

The Legal Aid Clinic provides the following services:

Interviewing, advising, and counseling
Assistance in resolving tickets and warrants
Preparation of court paperwork in child support, custody, and visitation cases
Expungements (dismissing criminal convictions)
Government benefits
Assistance with income tax controversies
Preparation for Homeless Court

For questions or to ask about making an appointment, please contact (213) 347-6300 ext. 4413

URM Pepperdine Legal Aid Services

Providing direct legal assistance to teens and adults who are overcoming homelessness and poverty in metro Los Angeles.